Effectiveness of the French Mois sans tabac on quit attempts in the first year of Covid-19: a population-based study

Publié le 4 novembre 2022
Mis à jour le 9 juillet 2024

Background: Mois sans tabac is a social marketing initiative inspired by the British Stoptober. Organized in France since 2016, it invites smokers to quit smoking for 30 days in November and to register on a website. In 2020, the number of registrations has dramatically decreased compared to 2019 (from 203,892 to 126,568). This decrease occurred in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and of a second national lockdown in the fall of 2020. Objectives: To describe the effectiveness of Mois sans tabac 2020 on quit attempts (QA) and sociodemographic factors associated with QA in the last quarter of 2020. Methods: Data come from Santé publique France 2021 Health Barometer, a general population survey carried out by phone using random digit dialing. Factors associated with QA according to reported relation with Mois sans tabac were assessed using multinomial logistic regressions on 5,028 respondents aged 18-75, who were daily smokers just before the campaign. Results: About one fifth of smokers (19.9%) reported a QA in the last quarter of 2020 and 2.5% attributed it to the campaign. Both figures were significantly lower than those observed in 2019 (respectively 24.4% and 4.3%) and the rate of directly attributable QA was the lowest since 2016. QA, related or not to Mois sans tabac, were associated with younger age and higher education. QA attributable to Mois sans tabac were less frequent among occupations like farmers, craftspeople, retailers and business owners. Discussion: Decrease in QA related with Mois sans tabac may be partly explained by a fatigue from the ubiquitous health messages and a lower visibility of the anti-smoking media campaign in the Covid-19 context. Furthermore, the lack of face-to-face or group activities usually set up for Mois sans Tabac, due to lockdown, may have contributed to a differentiated impact by socio-economic level.

Prevention - Between Ethics and Effectiveness : 13th EUSPR Conference and Mernbers' Meeting, Tallinn, Estonia, 28-30 September 2022

Auteur : Guignard Romain, Pasquereau Anne, Andler Raphaël, Avenel Justine, Beck François, Nguyen Thanh Viêt
Année de publication : 2022
Format/Durée : 84 x 47 cm