Mois sans tabac : how to re-create a key interest for tobacco cessation after 6 years of the program ?

Publié le 20 avril 2023
Mis à jour le 19 avril 2023

Mois sans tabac (MST) is a social marketing operation, inspired by the British Stoptober. Organized every November in France since 2016, it aims to encourage smokers to stop smoking for 30 days. Smokers are invited to register on a website. Between 2016 and 2019, annual registrations ranged from 158290 to 243579. Since 2020, these figures have been steadily decreasing (112933 in 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic is part of the explanation in 2021, but the loss of momentum of MST leads to rethink the device.

7th ENSP European Conference on Tobacco Control, Heraklion, 6-8 July 2022

Auteur : Avenel Justine, Quatremère Guillemette, Pasquereau Anne, Nguyen Thanh Viêt
Année de publication : 2022
Pages : 13 p.
Format/Durée : diaporama