Bisphenol-A and phthalates contamination of urine samples by catheters in the Elfe pilot study: implications for large-scale biomonitoring studies

Publié le 1 août 2011
Mis à jour le 14 juin 2019

Exposure to phthalates and Bisphenol A could cause developmental and reproductive toxicity. This study provides a first assessment of these exposures for more than 250 French pregnant women. The median concentrations of total and free Bisphenol A in urine were similar to those in other studies except the highest concentrations (5% of women had total and free Bisphenol A >50Œg/L). Our study highlights high levels of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate metabolites in pregnant women, suggesting recent exposure, probably in hospital. Differences between types of delivery (caesarean vs. natural) support this hypothesis. This is a significant implication for large-scale biomonitoring studies among this population.

Auteur : Vandentorren S, Zeman F, Morin L, Sarter H, Bidondo ML, Oleko A, Leridon H
Environmental research, 2011, n°. 6, p. 761-4