Tickborne encephalitis in Europe: basic information, country by country

Publié le 1 janvier 2004
Mis à jour le 21 mai 2019

On 24 June, Eurosurveillance Weekly published overviews of the tickborne encephalitis (TBE) situation in the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Latvia. We publish in this article, brief information from other countries in Europe where TBE infections may be acquired. Websites of national institutes (above) have more data, and more information on TBE in Europe can be found at http://www.tbe-info.com, the website of the International Scientific Working Group On Tick-Borne-Encephalitis (ISW-TBE).

Auteur : Strauss R, Samuelsson S, Nohynek H, Hellenbrand W, Steffens I, Molnar Z, Ferenczi E, Blystad H, Stefanoff P, Kraigher A, Maderova E, Arneborn M
Eurosurveillance, 2004, vol. 8, n°. 29